
At PretaGov, our diverse team of specialists in business analysis, design, development, support, and maintenance work together to realise your digital projects.

Headless CMS Migration

Need to upgrade your existing CMS?

Is your site built with a CMS that's out of security support, hard to edit content, not flexible or scalable enough?

We recommend a modern web approach that will work for your organisation's needs such as data sovereignty, accessibility, multi-lingual and design system implementation. Our development team can convert existing outdated CMS sites and upgrade them to headless CMS in less time and lower budget than you think. Here's our specialties:

Digital Transformation

With a meticulous focus on user experience, security, and performance optimisation, we ensure that your website not only meets but exceeds clients expectations. Embracing the ethos of open source, we specialise many frontend frameworks and integrating with Open source Headless CMS where needed, while also adept at developing custom web applications using React. We work on a per project or Time and Materials basis.

Custom Headless Colloboration Portals

We have built a large range of digital solutions for our clients. Custom headless CMS based Public sector, NGO and private sector websites, Client portals for collaboration, E-Commerce, Intranets and Extranets.


We offer comprehensive website management support providing rapid response when you need it. Our dedicated team also handles everything from regular updates and security patches to content management, performance optimisation, and troubleshooting. With proactive monitoring and timely backups, we ensure that your website remains secure, reliable, and always up-to-date.

  • Technical Support

  • CMS end user support desk

  • Service Level Agreement fulfilment

  • Training

  • Monitoring

  • Testing

  • Managing software updates and security patches

  • 24/7/365 support

  • Penetration testing (with trusted partners)


For more than 18 years, we've provided managed hosting for Public sector and NGO clients for everything from disaster management websites designed to scale to 1M hits in minutes, to high transaction digital transformation projects handling many thousands of transactions an hour. We partner with AWS to offer 24/7/365 hosted solutions with contracted SLAs with HA on multiple availability zones in Sydney and London.

  • Managed web hosting

  • Hosting architecture - Docker

  • High Availability hosting (HA)

  • Custom CDN and Caching optimised

  • Security and DDoS attack hardening (Cyber essentials certified)

  • Domain management

  • DNS management

  • SSL certificate management (HTTPS)

  • Dedicated Plans for NSW DDS and UK GDS DS Headless CMS hosting


Empower inclusivity and reach a broader audience with our comprehensive accessibility services. Our dedicated team specialises in ensuring that your digital assets are fully accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. From conducting thorough accessibility audits to implementing WCAG-compliant solutions, we prioritize creating digital experiences that are user-friendly and barrier-free. Whether it's optimising website navigation, enhancing content readability, or incorporating assistive technologies, we tailor our services to meet your specific accessibility needs. 

  • Accessible design and development

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) compliance advice

  • Guidance on writing accessible content

  • Accessible Headless CMS solutions

  • Accessibility audits (with trusted partners)

  • Fixing your website so it is more accessible

User experience design

Our user centered design approach to both product and service design allows us to discover the right solution that fits your users best. We design mobile first and responsive design so as many devices are supported.

At the outset of this transformative process, our expert team delves deep into understanding your unique vision, goals, and challenges. Through collaborative workshops, in-depth interviews, and thorough analysis, we unearth key insights that pave the way for a successful development journey. From defining project scope and requirements to identifying potential risks and opportunities, our discovery stage sets a solid foundation for the creation of tailored solutions that exceed expectations.

We specialise in documenting detailed use cases and specifications, ensuring that every aspect of your project is meticulously planned and executed. Whether you're seeking to optimise processes, enhance customer experiences, or drive revenue, our business analysis services provide the roadmap you need to succeed.

Our expert team combines creativity with functionality to craft user centred and visually attractive websites that leave a lasting impression. From captivating landing pages to seamless e-commerce platforms, we specialise in designing custom solutions that drive engagement and conversions.

  • Discovery

  • User experience design (UX)

  • Business analysis

  • User personas

  • Website Design (with trusted partners)

  • Content strategy

  • Content Governance advice

  • Multi channel content strategy

  • Wireframing and prototyping

  • Responsive design

  • User Interface design (UI)

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